カンボジアの豆知識 (3): 国旗のデザインは9種類もあった!Fun Facts About Cambodia (3): Nine National Flag Designs!
(English report follows after Japanese)
Continuing on the topic of Cambodia’s national flag from the last time, do you know that Cambodia has nine national flags before, in which the design changes each time when there is a new government administration? Compared to Japan, which only has one design, nine is a lot! Plus, on most of the flag designs, you’ll find the motif of Angkor Wat being featured in the center. Oh, and for your info, the current flag of the Kingdom of Cambodia has been used thrice before.
Below are the nine designs of Cambodia’s national flag that have existed. Of all, which do you like most?
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Cambodian_flags
- https://poste-kh.com/life-tips/cambodia-flag-2350