新型コロナウイルス関連 カンボジアへの入国制限の改定について (2020年12月12日発効)Revision to Cambodia’s Entry Requirement During Covid-19 (Effective 12 Dec 2020)
With regards to subject mentioned, we have add on new information. Please refer to below updated PDF.
- カンボジア入国制限改定について 「2020年12月12日発効」_20201210更新
- Revision to Cambodia’s Entry Requirement (w.e.f. 12 December 2020)_edited on 10 Dec 2020
From 12 Dec 2020 onwards, all Cambodian nationals returning to Cambodia are required to have Covid-19 testing certificate (in English), indicating negative result and issued within 72 hours prior to departure.
a) カンボジア短期滞在者への「支払い保証」(Sponsorship Mechanism)の発給を一時に停止します。
b) 下記に該当する、すべてのカンボジア渡航者は、カンボジア入国後、14日間の強制隔離となります。
- すべての外国人ビジネス渡航者
- カンボジア王国発行のパスポート、または他国のパスポートを所持するカンボジア国民
c) PCR検査によって、新型コロナウイル陽性者であると判明した場合、陽性者と接触確認を迅速かつ確実にするため、MOHのホームページやSNSにて陽性者の身元が公開されます。
Due to the recent increase in Covid-19 cases in Cambodia and to curb the spread of Covid-19, Cambodia’s Ministry of Health (MOH) announced the following measures for entry into Cambodia, effective from 12 December 2020.
a) Temporary suspension of Sponsorship Mechanism for short-term travellers to Cambodia.
b) All travellers to Cambodia, as per below, will be subjected to 14-day compulsory quarantine upon arrival.
- All foreign business travellers
- Cambodian nationals, who hold a Cambodian passport or a foreign passport
c) To facilitate faster tracing of individuals who have been in contact with Covid-19 patients, details of travellers who are tested positive for Covid-19 will be immediately made known on MOH website or social media site.
For more details, please refer to the below PDF: